Library Funding as a Dedicated Line Item

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS resolution 2012-B71 Reinstatement of Dedicated Line Item Library Funding in BC was endorsed by the UBCM membership; AND WHEREAS the inclusion of the provincial library budget in the overall budget for Ministry of Education programs continues to result in hardship and lack of security for BCs public libraries: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM re-affirm support for reinstating library funding as a separate line item in the provincial budget.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Finance Each ministry has a large number of individual programs which, for succinctness, must be presented in the Budget Estimates document at a high level. Generally, programs are grouped together under sub-votes and the annual amounts are reported out in that fashion. The Ministry of Education has many programs within its comparatively large ministry operations budget vote of 5.3 billion that are not reported as specific line items but rather within sub-votes. For example, the 14M Public Libraries program is contained within the Transfers to other Partners sub-vote. This presentation does not in any way impact the security of funding to BC public libraries. Government looks forward to continuing its constructive and mutually beneficial relationship with BCs public libraries.

Convention Decision