Road Rescue Services Funding to Communities or Societies


WHEREAS many small communities and not-for-profit societies in BC provide road rescue services in large service areas outside the communities jurisdictions; AND WHEREAS while Emergency Management BC does provide reimbursements for some of the operational costs associated with the service, not all costs are recoverable, and none of the capital costs are covered, leaving the communities or the societies to subsidize the service as well as to pay for capital equipment at a large cost to the communities taxpayerssocieties: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be asked to review how road rescue services are funded, particularly the capital costs for vehicles and equipment, and that the provincial government be asked to initiate a better funding arrangement for the operational expenses of the service and the larger capital costs associated with purchase of vehicles and equipment in order that smaller communities and societies can continue to provide this valuable service.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Justice In 2014 Emergency Management BC completed a review and update of the existing road rescue policies, which were consolidated and harmonized into a single policy for all service providers. In addition, the reimbursement rates intended to compensate for operational costs were re-evaluated and increased. Emergency Management BC will be consulting with stakeholders, including UBCM and other responsible ministries, to review the funding issues related to capital replacement costs that are directly associated to out of jurisdiction road rescue services.

Convention Decision