Multi-Material BC Product Stewardship Packaging Printed Paper Plan for BC

New Westminster

WHEREAS in 2012 the Union of British Columbia Municipalities UBCM adopted Policy Paper 2: Packaging and Printed Paper PPP; AND WHEREAS the local government concerns and objectives for the stewardship program for PPP outlined in this document have not been recognized and incorporated into Multi-Material BCs MMBCs plan for PPP; AND WHEREAS the plan is being fast-tracked onto local governments in a take it or lose it manner which prevents public involvement and analysis by the citizens we represent; AND WHEREAS the plan provides MMBC the unfettered ability to levy fines onto local governments of up to 5,000 per truck load for contamination of recyclables over 3 per cent: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM call on the provincial government to review the MMBC Packaging and Printed Paper Stewardship Plan and require that the plan be revised to: - address local governments concerns with the implementation of the plan; - ensure local governments control of recycling in their communities; - ensure producers take full financial responsibility for the collection and recycling of their waste; and - create meaningful market signals that encourage the reduction of packaging and innovation of better, more recyclable packaging.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision
Referred to Recycling Negotiating Committee