Grow-op Bylaw Authority

West Kelowna

WHEREAS illegal marijuana grow operations are a province-wide problem contributing to public safety, community, health and enforcement issues; AND WHEREAS municipalities, under the Community Charter, have the authority to enact bylaws within their own jurisdictions regulating marijuana grow operations; however, province-wide, these municipal bylaws have a diminished effect as regional districts have not been granted the same authority for electoral areas: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General and the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development to amend the Local Government Act to provide authority to regional districts to enact marijuana grow operations regulatory bylaws in electoral areas.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Justice Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The government of British Columbia recognizes that illicit drug operations where marijuana is grown are a threat to communities through fire risks, organized crime involvement, theft of hydro, environmental damage and concerns for remediation of involved properties. The Province has responded to the problem of marijuana grow operations in a number of ways including education, legislation, civil action and the establishment of specialized anti-gang police units to combat gangs and gun violence and target grow-operations, drug labs and gang activity. While municipalities generally have broader regulatory authorities than regional districts, section 799 of the Local Government Act does provide an opportunity for regional districts to obtain additional powers by Regulation. The Province will continue to collaborate across agencies to address grow-operations and illegal drug production, including possible civil and regulatory responses targeting those that are behind these operations. Additionally, the Ministries of Justice and Community, Sport and Cultural Development will continue to work together to explore options for local governments.

Convention Decision