Landscape Security

Cowichan Valley RD

WHEREAS Section 925 of the Local Government Act permits the collection of security for the performance of specified development permit conditions; AND WHEREAS it is administratively costly for local governments to pursue compliance and impractical to use security to undertake required works or construction on private land: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government amend Section 925 of the Local Government Act to allow local governments to collect a 5 percent per month administrative fee on conditions of a development permit that are deemed to be in default in order to provide further incentive for the developer to satisfy the conditions of a Development Permit.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The Province understands that local governments collect security for the performance of specified development permit conditions and that these securities may not always be an effective way to support related administration and work. Local governments may want to further explore their ability to impose an additional fee for a service that they are providing under their general fee authority in the Local Government Act related to development permitting. It is suggested that local governments consult the development industry and other local governments within their region respecting such a fee.

Convention Decision