Forest Stewardship Plan Extension

Squamish-Lillooet RD

Whereas forest stewardship plan development is the publics only opportunity to provide formal comment on forest practices in a potentially large area; And whereas forest stewardship plans have a five year term and can be extended to 10 years by government: Therefore be it resolved that when applying for a forest stewardship plan extension the licensee should be legally required to notify the public of the renewal application and the public should have the right to have any concerns noted and addressed.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands Natural Resource Operations The provincial government will consider forest stewardship concerns as part of its ongoing evaluation of the Forest and Range Practices Act and its supporting policy framework. Under current legislation, site plans for cutblocks and roads are available to the public upon request. The Ministry has encouraged regional districts to meet with forest licensees and to contact the local resource district office for assistance in this regard.

Convention Decision