Health Service Consultation


WHEREAS health service is a vital part of remote rural communities and local health providers know the health needs and service requirements of their community better than outside sources; AND WHEREAS all residents throughout BC deserve essential health service; AND WHEREAS reductions in the current health services in their own community results in added costs and stress to residents, especially the elderly and low income residents, particularly in winter conditions when they must travel to seek health services that are often located a considerable distance away: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request that the provincial government ensure that any proposed change in the level of health services available to any community must first be the subject of consultation between the health authority and local health providers, residents of the affected community and the relevant local governments.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health All health authorities are expected to consult with local communities when planning new services andor changes to services. In addition, health authorities are working to improve community engagement in the design and planning of health services. Patients as Partners is a provincial initiative that is supporting this work. Government recognizes the importance of access to health services for all British Columbians, and understands that residents of rural and remote communities have concerns about access. For this reason, the Ministry of Health the Ministry funds a wide range of programs to encourage health professionals to locate in rural communities. One part of this is to use our physician education programs to expose student doctors to rural practice. In 2004 government established the Northern medical program to educate more doctors in Northern BC. The Ministry has recently expanded this to the Interior through the Southern Medical Program. Since the school was established, we have seen a significant increase in the number of doctors practicing in rural BC. The Ministry has another important initiative to support services in rural and remote communities. Ten million dollars has been committed to enhance emergency physician services in rural and remote communities in BC. This funding is part of one of the most comprehensive funding and incentive programs in Canada to encourage doctors to set up practice and stay in rural BC.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended