Regional Integrated Approach to Flood Management


WHEREAS many communities in the Lower Mainland face similar economic, environmental andor social challenges with respect to mitigating flood risk, and significant efficiencies can be realized by working to address flood mitigation on a regional basis; AND WHEREAS the Fraser Basin Council is preparing a business plan for a regional flood management strategy for the Lower Mainland to mitigate flood risk associated with sea level rise, storm surge and rivers; AND WHEREAS other coastal and inland communities in BC may benefit and learn from a regional approach to flood mitigation in the Lower Mainland: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM support a regional integrated approach to flood management in the province, and advocate for dedicated multi-year senior government flood protection funding for associated studies and capital works that result from the program.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands Natural Resource Operations Flood management is a shared responsibility and its success depends on the funding support and collaboration of all levels of government. The Province is prepared to contribute technical staff time, use of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Ministry Fraser River hydraulic model and will consider cost-share funding of priority projects subject to budget availability. The Province agrees that the Lower Mainland needs a regional flood management strategy to mitigate flood risks associated with sea level rise, storm surge and increased river flooding due to climate change. To be effective, the strategy must integrate the three major elements of flood management: floodplain management hazard mapping and development planning, structural mitigation diking and river channel management and flood emergency planning, response and recovery. The Ministry is working with local stakeholders to develop this strategy. While the Lower Mainland is a priority because of the population density and the billions of dollars of infrastructure exposed to flood hazards, other communities could benefit from a similar regional approach.

Convention Decision