Restore Funding to Katimavik


WHEREAS the Katimavik curriculum serves to foster the lives of young Canadians and promotes civic engagement through long and short term service for community partners across Canada; AND WHEREAS the Katimavik program is an important resource to the City of Quesnel community and region: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities lobby the federal government to find funding alternatives to reinstate Katimavik programs.

Federal Response

Canadian Heritage Our Governments decision to discontinue funding to Katimavik was the result of careful consideration. While I understand your organizations concerns, in light of the economic necessity of fiscal restraint, discontinuing Katimavik funding was the appropriate decision. Through the Department of Canadian Heritage, our Government continues to invest over 80 million each year in affordable youth programming, providing over 100,000 young Canadians with opportunities to learn about their country and connect with one another. It should be noted that Canadian youth will still be able to take part in projects financed by Youth Take Charge, Exchanges Canada and Young Canada Works, among others. For a list of these opportunities, I invite you to visit the departmental website at: under the heading Exchanges, Jobs and Studies.

Convention Decision