Disposal of Gypsum Containing Asbestos

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS the presence of asbestos in gypsum products manufactured prior to 1984 poses a risk to health and safety; AND WHEREAS gypsum wallboard and related products are commonly handled at local government facilities where the implementation of Asbestos Exposure Control Programs is significantly increasing costs and impacting the ability of local governments to provide appropriate disposal options for gypsum: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Environment be urged to establish options to assist local governments to dispose of asbestos contaminated gypsum andor include this as a product category in the BC Recycling Regulation to require a stewardship plan for this material as soon as possible.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The Province recognizes the challenges regional districts face with regard to asbestos contaminated gypsum at local government facilities within their jurisdictions, due to the additional WorkSafe BC requirements that must be in place to manage it. In October 2009, the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment CCME supported the Canada-wide Action Plan for EPR. The Canada-wide Action Plan CAP for EPR recommends programs be in place by 2017 for construction and demolition materials, as well as furniture, textiles and carpet, and appliances including ozone-depleting substances. BCs commitment to the Canada-wide Action Plan is reiterated in the Ministrys Service Plan, which states the intention to have comprehensive coverage of the products designated in the CAP by 201718. This will likely include construction and demolition waste such as gypsum wallboard.

Convention Decision