Tax on Biofuel


WHEREAS the Province of BC has mandated the reduction of fossil carbon emissions and the use of renewable fuels through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Renewable and Low Carbon Fuel Requirements Act; AND WHEREAS the removal of Motor Fuel Tax exemptions and the additional application of the Carbon Tax to the production and sale of pure 100 biofuels in 2010 has had a negative impact on biofuel producers and suppliers within BC, and has resulted in a decrease in the availability of pure renewable fuels that have the greatest potential to reduce fossil carbon emissions: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of BC immediately remove the Carbon Tax from the entire biofuel portion of all fuel production and sales an restore the Motor Fuel Tax exemptions to the biofuel producers and suppliers of British Columbia, and provide further incentives to ensure that the renewable fuel sector continues as a viable industry for BC consumers and provincial greenhouse gas reduction objectives.

Convention Decision
Not Endorsed