Regulation of Public Water Services


WHEREAS the successful delivery of a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement CETA between Canada and the European Union EU requires the federal government to negotiate full access to procurement to sub-national governments including local governments, social boards, and other provincial agencies; AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada is fully committed to preserve the right of all Canadians to safe water services and believes that water in its natural state is not considered a good pr product and, therefore, remains outside the scope of Canadas trade agreements: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM call upon the federal government, through the provincial government and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, to enact strong domestic policy to preserve the right of provinces, territories and local governments to provide safe water services for the collection, purification and distribution of water, including the provision of drinking water, water management, and waste water management for Canadians as a public service; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the federal government identify and invest needed funding to support sub-national governments in carrying out this mandate.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour The Province has conducted ongoing consultations with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities UBCM as the Canada European Union negotiations proceed. Through these consultations, the Province has been made aware of UBCMs position on water safety and the privatization of water-related services. Canadas international trade agreements do not prevent governments from setting standards to ensure that Canadians have access to safe drinking water. In addition, Canadas international trade agreements do not force governments to privatize, contract out or deregulate water-related services. All companies operating in Canada, whether domestic or foreign, must respect Canadian laws and regulations. As negotiations progress, the Province will continue to bring forward UBCMs concerns to the federal government.

Convention Decision