Fraser Gravel Management


WHEREAS gravel and sediment removal in the Fraser River has been the subject of UBCM resolutions in 2004 B18, 2005 B26 and 2006 B19 and that gravel removal has occurred under the management of the provincial government from 2005 to 2010; AND WHEREAS there was no gravel removed in 2011 and there is not expected to be any gravel removed in 2012: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request that the provincial government develop a long term funding mechanism to ensure that the gravel removal program is adequately funded including the studies required to ensure the integrity of the program.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Justice The provincial government recognizes sediment removal as an important component of an integrated flood mitigation strategy. Planning and consultation for a 2013 sediment removal site will be completed by February 2013 to remove sediment from a site in the Fraser Gravel Reach based on the highest hydraulic benefit and minimum adverse impacts. In addition to the removal of sediment in 2013, the Province, through Emergency Management BC EMBC is working with provincial and federal partners Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and Transport Canada to develop a long term gravel removal strategy for the Fraser Gravel Reach. The development of the long term plan will include opportunities for input and consultation from stakeholders. The long term strategy will provide consistent, predictable plans to manage the build-up of the river bed that occurs through the natural deposition of sediment material.

Convention Decision