Canada European Union Trade Agreement

Prince Rupert
Port Edward

WHEREAS the Canadian government is close to concluding negotiations with the European Union EU on a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement CETA, with participation from the provinces and territories; AND WHEREAS the EU is insisting on full access to procurement by local governments which could significantly reduce the ability of local governments to hire or source locally or use public spending as a tool for economic development, environmental protection and support for local farmers and small businesses; AND WHEREAS government procurement rules combined with investment protections related to transit, water, electricity and other public services delivered locally may lock in privatization and make it prohibitively expensive to apply new regulations, to re-municipalize services, or create new municipal programs; AND WHEREAS local governments in British Columbia already have open and fair procurement policies: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request that the BC government: - issue a clear, permanent exemption for BC local governments from the Canada-EU CETA, and that it otherwise protect the powers of local governments; and - disclose what it is putting on the table regarding procurement, services and investment as part of CETA discussions, explain the impacts CETA would have on municipal governance, and give local governments the freedom to decide whether or not they will be bound by the agreement.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour The Province has conducted ongoing consultations with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities UBCM as the CanadaEuropean Union negotiations proceed. Through these consultations, the Province has been made aware of UBCMs concerns regarding the potential application of the proposed agreement to local governments, especially in the areas of procurement, services and investment. The Government of British Columbia has entered into a non-disclosure document with the federal government and cannot release nor discuss specific negotiating positions as this may jeopardize the outcome of the negotiations. The Province has consulted, and will continue to consult, with UBCM and explain the impacts of trade agreement obligations on municipalities. As the negotiations proceed, the Province will continue to bring forward UBCMs concerns to the federal government.

Convention Decision