Buy BC


WHEREAS the former BUY BC program has been the most successful food and beverage advertising program every jointly undertaken by the provincial government and private industry; AND WHEREAS the current economic climate has created challenges for our agricultural sector: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government of BC reinstate and fund the BUY BC program for agricultural products.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Agriculture On August 30th, the BC Ministry of Agriculture announced that it is investing 2 million to help B.C. farmers and producers promote local foods. The funding will showcase the diversity of B.C.s producers and build on the passion British Columbians have for local foods across the province. By allowing local businesses and organizations to launch or expand their own campaigns, different sectors of B.C.s diverse food industry can use customized promotions specific to their market and needs. The funding is targeted to help small-scale producers and businesses in particular promote their products. Business and organizations will be able to apply for matching funding from the provincial government for projects that promote local foods. Projects could include in-store promotions, social media or web campaigns, traditional advertising, on-product labeling, food-tourism maps and smart phone apps. Building the local market for B.C. foods is a key component of governments plan to lead the agrifoods sector growth into a 14-billion-a-year industry by 2017.

Convention Decision