Support for Provincial Community Recreation Infrastructure Funding Programs

North Okanagan RD

WHEREAS the provincial government launched the Towns for Tomorrow funding program in December 2006 as part of the Provinces effort to address the unique challenges faced by smaller communities in BC, particularly with respect to sustainability and meeting infrastructure needs; AND WHEREAS the provincial government launched the Community Recreation Program in September 2011 to address the unique challenges faced by communities in the province with respect to meeting their recreational infrastructure needs; AND WHEREAS both the Towns for Tomorrow Program and the Community Recreation Program invest in local government capital projects that contribute to the overall health, sustainability and livability of communities; AND WHEREAS both the Towns for Tomorrow Program and the Community Recreation Program give funding priority to smaller communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that support be expressed to the provincial government for the reactivation of the Towns for Tomorrow funding program and the Community Recreation Program.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development The Ministry recognizes the unique challenges faced by smaller communities in BC, particularly with respect to sustainability and meeting infrastructure needs. As such, the Ministry continues to look at opportunities to support local government capital projects that contribute to the overall health, sustainability and liveability of communities support. The Ministry also recognizes the provinces commitment to being fiscally responsible. Currently, the Ministry, in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, is consulting with the federal government on the development of a long-term infrastructure program. The Ministrys focus is on local government infrastructure, including smaller communities. It is hoped that a new program will be in place in the near future.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended