Housing for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Nanaimo City
Gold River

WHEREAS: 1. The provincial government is cutting funding and supports for adults with developmental disabilities, resulting in the closure of group homes and mounting waiting lists for services; 2. These group homes form a vital and necessary part of the housing continuum that has won broad support from members of the public at large, families of adults with developmental disabilities and the communities in which they are located; 3. We support the creation of new supportive housing options to provide appropriate options for parents and their adult children with developmental disabilities; and 4. The BC Community Living Action Group, which represents more than 65 affected agencies and organizations, thousands of families, and adults with developmental disabilities, has called for an end to service cuts and closure of group homes: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM urge the provincial government to end funding cuts, implement a moratorium on the closure of group homes and provide sufficient financial resources both to maintain this vital housing resource and address growing waiting lists.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Social Development The Province recognizes the concerns individuals and families may have as supports for adults with developmental disabilities evolve. This evolution is based on research, service delivery requests, and demand from families requesting different options. During the 1980s, people with developmental disabilities left institutions for group homes staffed residential in community. Many younger individuals now want a greater degree of independence and are moving to other settings, such as home share. Group homes now typically support individuals needing a higher level of care. In the future, it is expected there will be less reliance on staffed residential resources and more on diverse and typical living arrangements that facilitate more independence and community participation. The Province has committed that unless there are extenuating circumstances that cannot be mitigated, individuals living in a staffed residential homes will not be moved without consultation and agreement both from the individual and their family. The Province is providing 144 million in funding over the next three years, plus 36 million being held in contingency, to improve services to individuals and families. Community Living BCs 201213 budget is 748.1 million; 93 percent of that budget goes directly to support individuals and families in community.

Convention Decision