Licenses Issued Under Marijuana Medical Access Regulations


WHEREAS Health Canada is issuing an increasing number of licenses under the Marijuana Medical Access Regulations to allow the cultivation and processing of marijuana for medical purposes; AND WHEREAS due to federal privacy legislation Health Canada does not have a process in place to notify a municipality when a license is issued for a site within the municipalitys jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS, based on the experience of local governments, these Health Canada licensed medical marijuana grow operations are not generally compliant with municipal bylaws andor provincial electrical, fire, health, safety andor building regulations; AND WHEREAS Health Canada licensed medical grow operations are often creating health and public safety concerns and are also causing odour and other nuisance concerns in the communities within which they are located: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Health Canada be requested to take immediate action to amend its legislation and regulations to require that any applicant for a license under the Marijuana Medical Access Regulations for the purpose of cultivation andor processing of marijuana for medical purposes be required to obtain a municipal license or permit that demonstrates that the proposed location for the growing operation is in compliance with all local bylaws and all electrical, fire, health, building and safety regulations prior to issuance of a license by Health Canada for such a growing operation.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate