Electronic Voting at UBCM Convention

UBCM Executive

WHEREAS the UBCM Executive has undertaken extensive research into electronic voting, in response to feedback from UBCM Convention delegates expressing concerns with the efficiency of the procedures for tabulating votes on resolutions at Convention; AND WHEREAS the UBCM Bylaws do not presently allow for electronic voting on resolutions at Convention: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 13a of the UBCM Bylaws be amended to provide for electronic voting on resolutions at Convention, as follows: 13. VOTING AT CONVENTIONS a Voting on ordinary resolutions normally shall be by a show of voting cards or by electronic voting keypad, as determined by the Chair. In cases where the number of votes for or against a motion is difficult to discern using a show of voting cards, the Chair may at his or her discretion call for a vote using electronic voting keypads. The results of a vote using electronic voting keypads are final. Following a show of voting cards, the Chairs decision as to whether a motion is won or lost is final, unless immediately upon the decision of the Chair being declared, ten or more voting delegates then present, by standing, demand an electronic vote, whereupon the Chair shall again put the same question to the Convention to be decided by a vote using electronic voting keypads. The results of a vote using electronic voting keypads are final. In the event that electronic voting keypads are not available or not functioning, the Chair may call for a standing vote, whereupon the Chair shall again put the same question to the Convention to be decided by a count of those standing in favour of and against the motion. In the event that the result of the standing vote is questioned by fifty or more voting delegates then present, or at any time at the discretion of the Chair, the Chair shall order that the matter before the Convention be determined by ballot, and the result of such ballot shall be final.

Convention Decision