Medicinal Marijuana Growing License Regulations


WHEREAS under s. 24 and 34 of the Medical Marijuana Access Regulations, Health Canada licenses medical marijuana growing sites in British Columbia communities and has no obligation to notify local authorities with information regarding site location and ownership or inspection of such sites; AND WHEREAS police and fire services have identified community safety issues regarding medical marijuana grow sites such as increased participation by organized crime groups; home invasions because of the potential profits with the illicit sale of marijuana; health issues for children living in houses where marijuana is grown; increased residential fires; use of dangerous chemicals; chemical dumping in sewer systems; and electrical injury to growers and their families: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the federal government be requested to take immediate steps to institute processes to notify appropriate enforcement agencies and governing bodies within those communities where a license to grow marijuana has been issued as well as processes to verify compliance with local building code and inspection requirements prior to the issuing of the licenses.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate