BC Hydro Wireless Smart Meters


WHEREAS significant and serious health, privacy and other concerns have been identified regarding the installation of wireless smart meters in British Columbia; AND WHEREAS BC Hydro is proceeding with its program to install wireless smart meters in British Columbia although it recognizes there is active discussion and ongoing research into the possible health and environmental effects related to radio frequency signals and it is aware the World Health Organization has called for further investigation on this matter in its press release issued on May 31, 2011: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a moratorium be placed on the mandatory installation of wireless smart meters until the major issues and problems identified regarding wireless smart meters are independently assessed and acceptable alternatives can be made available at no added cost to the consumer.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy Mines The Province is not prepared to place a moratorium on the mandatory installation of wireless smart meters. The Clean Energy Act established a legal requirement for BC Hydro to install smart meters for all of its customers by the end of 2012. The Province is satisfied that BC Hydros smart meter program will deliver significant benefits to ratepayers by making the power grid more efficient and reliable. The BC Centre for Disease Control has confirmed that BC Hydros smart meters emit radio waves at a power density that is significantly below the legal limits governing exposure to radio frequency. Given the current scientific evidence, the consensus of public health practitioners is that at current exposure levels smart meters and other radio-frequency emitting devices, such as baby monitors and fm radio, do not constitute a threat to the health of the public. BC Hydro is working closely with the office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia to ensure that BC Hydro meets legislated privacy standards and that appropriate privacy and security measures are built into the entire smart grid system.

Other Response

BC Hydro Like many utilities around the world, BC Hydro is addressing the challenge of aging infrastructure and meeting increased demand by upgrading its electricity grid. BC Hydros investments in smart meters and a smart grid are key steps in modernizing our electricity system, improving its safety and reliability, and helping customers save energy and money. Smart meters and a more modern grid will save families and businesses about 70 million over the next three years alone through lower rates. In the longer term, the program returns 1.6 billion in benefits over 20 years. Since BC Hydro is publicly owned, those savings will be passed on to customers, keeping BC Hydros electricity rates among the lowest in North America. BC Hydro understands that some customers have questions about the Smart Metering Program and thats why we are committed to working with those customers on a case-by-case basis, ensuring we can continue to provide those customers with safe, reliable electricity. BC Hydro has a dedicated customer service team that answers every question about the program. Since smart meters were announced in 2007, BC Hydro and the Province of British Columbia have included smart meters in our planning documents and province-wide communications. We have informed customers about the program through open houses, letters, emails, bill inserts, newsletters, BC Hydros website and call centre, advertising, and pre-installation communications. The majority - more than 99 per cent - of BC Hydros customers accept smart meters as a necessary upgrade. Health Smart meters communicate using radio signals which are common to our everyday lives and have been used safely for decades. Wireless technology is used by radios, TVs and emergency services to name a few. Wireless electrical and water meters are being used by utilities across the province including Nelson Hydro, FortisBC, City of Penticton, City of Abbotsford, City of Grand Forks, City of Richmond, City of Chilliwack, and the Village of Queen Charlotte. Smart meters are safe as confirmed by health and science authorities including BCs Provincial Health Officer, Health Canada and the World Health Organization. BC Hydros smart meters communicate for an average of one minute per day. Exposure to radio frequency during a 20-year life span of a smart meter is equivalent to the exposure during a single 30-minute cell phone call. BC Hydros smart meters radio frequency profile is well below Health Canadas exposure limits, and less than 50 of the precautionary limits set by Switzerland, the country with the most rigorous standards in the world. Privacy Security BCs Information Privacy Commissioner released a report into the Smart Metering Programs compliance with BCs Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and confirmed that we have taken the right steps to protect our customers information. As part of that report, the Privacy Commissioner has issued 14 recommendations for how we can build on our existing processes even further and we will be acting on those recommendations. The report states that our customers information is secure. Smart meters provide BC Hydro with the same information about customer electricity use that we have today - except more frequently and accurately. We also collect more information about the overall status of the electricity grid which helps us manage the entire system and reduce waste. Protecting our customers privacy is a top priority. As we do now, we will continue to protect the privacy of our customers by: - Implementing a system with multiple layers of security, starting with encryption similar to online banking. - Working closely with the Privacy Commissioners Office. - Managing customer information according to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. BC Hydro does not share personal information with third parties, unless required by law. In additional to Health Canada, Provincial Health Authority, and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, the Smart Metering Program must meet rigorous standards set by a number of federal and provincial agencies including: North American Reliability Council, Environment Canada, Industry Canada, Measurement Canada, and the BC Safety Authority. We are moving forward with the Smart Metering Program because it is a necessary long term investment for BC Hydro customers and for the province as a whole. A safe, reliable electricity system is the backbone of our economy. Investing today in modern meters and a smarter grid will help keep our system safe and reliable while ensuring that we can meet our provinces electricity needs moving forward.

Convention Decision