Re-instatement of Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative

Fraser-Fort George RD

WHEREAS in the fall of 2010 the Union of BC Municipalities which administers the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative SWPI, announced that effective December 1, 2010 no further applications would be accepted due to lack of funding; AND WHEREAS the provincial government is responsible for the management of wildfires under the Wildfire Act and has mandated the responsibility of wildfire control to local governments within its boundaries or jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS the lack of funding for the SWPI has the potential to negatively impact unincorporated communities and municipalities that have limited financial resources and are unable to undertake wildfire mitigation work: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial and federal governments re-instate the funding for the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative or similar program to continue to assist communities with interface wildfire mitigation.

Convention Decision
No Action Required