Provincial Childcare Funding


WHEREAS the province of British Columbia has the highest level of child poverty in the country; AND WHEREAS affordable quality childcare plays a central role in the economic and emotional health of families and children: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government significantly increase funding to childcare as part of a concerted effort to reduce child poverty and strengthen the economy of British Columbia.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Children Family Development No government wants to see any child or family living in poverty. Putting families first is a priority for this government and we are committed to helping empower families out of poverty. British Columbia offers some of the most comprehensive, coordinated supports for low-income individuals and their families in Canada. These include subsidized housing, rental supplements, employment programs, child care subsidies, dental and optical care for children and programs for vulnerable seniors. We have also implemented a phased increase to minimum wage. Since 2003, the child poverty rate in this province has dropped by almost 38. The BC government recognizes the importance of affordable quality child care to both the economy and to positive outcomes for children and families. That is why we continue to invest in our childcare system and have made early learning a priority. The government of British Columbia will continue to develop and maintain new and existing child care spaces through direct support to providers with operating and capital funding. Since 200304 the number of child care spaces has increased by nearly 40 per cent, with over 99,000 licensed child care spaces receiving ongoing government funding. The province also assists low and moderate income families with the costs of child care. B.C.s Child Care Subsidy Program provides 154 million in funding to support over 54,000 children. Other early childhood learning and development programs that contribute to the health and well-being of children and families include the 316 StrongStart BC programs currently operating and the 10 additional programs opened in September 2011. As well, British Columbia implemented universal access to full day kindergarten for five year olds in September 2011.

Convention Decision