Introduction of Uniform Provincial Smoking Standards


WHEREAS tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke remains the single most preventable cause of disease and death in Canada, contributing to the deaths of approximately 6,000 British Columbians each year; AND WHEREAS research indicates that reducing the places where people can smoke through legislation and regulation makes it more likely that they will not take up smoking, or that they will quit: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM recommend to the provincial government that a review of existing non-smoking bylaws be conducted with the purpose of considering amendments to the Tobacco Control Act and Regulation to increase the distance that smokers must be from windows, doors and air intakes from 3m to 7.5m.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health The Province of British Columbia is pleased to have strong support from local government tobacco control initiatives. Local governments have in many instances already exceeded the 3 metre buffer zone around doorways, windows and air intakes set by the Tobacco Control Act. The Province believes local governments have done and will continue to promote healthy living. The Province is pleased to have strong support from local governments for tobacco control and healthy living initiatives. In fact, some local governments have already expanded the 3 metre buffer zone around doorways, windows and air intakes set by the Tobacco Control Act. UBCM indicates that local governments support increasing the buffer zone around doorways, windows and air intakes from 3 m to 7.5m. The Province will give regulatory changes serious consideration. B.C. has a comprehensive strategy in place that includes programs to help prevent the uptake of tobacco by youth, help people quit using tobacco and strong legislation to protect the public from the dangers of second hand smoke. As of September 30, 2011, British Columbians have a choice of a 12 week supply of either free nicotine gum or patches or, if they are on Fair Pharmacare, coverage of prescription smoking cessation medication, a 24 million investment for better health.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended