BCLC Revenue Allocation


WHEREAS municipalities provide critical services such as policing, fire protection, roads, water, sewer, garbage and recycling, parks and recreation services and are facing increased infrastructure deficits that cannot be funded solely through property taxes; AND WHEREAS all residents of the province contribute to the profit of the British Columbia Lottery Corporation: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be requested to establish an equitable formula without affecting casino revenue currently allocated, to share the profits from British Columbia Lottery Corporation with all BC local governments.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General Host local governments receive 10 of the net casino gaming revenue from casinos and community gaming centres within their jurisdiction. In 201011, the Province distributed 82.3 million in total to host local governments. All residents of British Columbia directly benefit from revenues derived from gaming, which help pay for essential programs and services such as health care and education. In 201011, 147.3 million in gaming revenue was distributed through the Health Special Account and 691.8 million was distributed through the consolidated revenue fund. Additionally, in 201011 the Province distributed 135 million in gaming grants to approximately 5,000 community organizations across British Columbia, so that important programs could be delivered at the local level. Any requests to distribute net gaming revenue directly to all local governments must be evaluated in the context of the governments need to honour Host Local Government Agreements, fund essential services, and support locally-based community organizations.

Other Response

BC Lottery Corporation The Provincial Government is responsible for all aspects of gaming revenue sharing, including the administration of the formula which determines how gaming funds will be distributed within government and to external stakeholders, such as charitable organizations or local governments which host gaming facilities. It has been the Governments practice to direct host local government payments only to the communities that host a community gaming centre or a casino. Gambling revenues are returned to communities through several avenues including health care and education funding, and through community gaming grants. In fiscal year 20102011, the Government of British Columbia directed BCLCs net income of 1,104.6 million to fund these programs. This included 82.3 million to 29 host local governments.

Convention Decision