Crime Prevention Programs


WHEREAS crime prevention programs have assisted in the recovery of over 800,000 in property and 17 million in seizure of drugs in BC which goes into provincial general revenue; AND WHEREAS all crime prevention programs are supported solely by local fundraising efforts: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the Province of BC to include funding for crime prevention and community policing programs from proceeds of crime revenues.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General The Province supports a number of crime prevention programs and initiatives that promote the safety and well being of children, youth and communities in British Columbia and target at-risk youth by addressing risk factors and building protective factors. The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General provided 375,000 this year in direct funding to support community organizations in their crime prevention initiatives including the BC Crime Prevention Association, BC Crime Stoppers, Block Watch Society of BC and the WISH Society. The Ministry also worked with our federal and provincial partners to provide an additional 768,000 to support gang prevention, sexual exploitation prevention and aboriginal crime prevention initiatives. The Province has used proceeds from civil forfeitures to support the prevention of crime or remediation to victims. Since the Civil Forfeiture Act came into force, the Province has provided 3 million in crime prevention grants and compensation to victims. The Civil Forfeiture Office is entirely self-funded, deriving all its operating income from the forfeitures it obtains through successful settlements. If all proceeds were redirected away from the Civil Forfeiture Office it would inhibit, or possibly eliminate, the ability to manage the program.

Convention Decision