RCMP Police Costs Accountability

UBCM Executive

WHEREAS local governments are concerned about the rapidly increasing costs of RCMP police services and the affordability of these services in the future; AND WHEREAS local governments are concerned about the accountability of the RCMP to local governments for the delivery of police services at the local level; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM implement the following strategy to ensure the federal and provincial governments are fully aware of local government concerns related to the delivery of local police services by the RCMP and the strength of these concerns: - That a meeting be organized as soon as possible between federal cabinet representatives and local government representatives to discuss local government concerns with the rapidly increasing costs of RCMP services and the need for increased accountability of the RCMP; - That local governments be requested to write to their federal Member of Parliament, the federal Minister of Public Safety and the President of Treasury Board, highlighting concerns with the rapidly increasing costs of RCMP police services and the need for increased accountability; - That a meeting be organized as soon as possible between the federal BC Conservative Caucus and local government representatives to discuss local government concerns with the rapidly increasing costs of RCMP services and the need for increased accountability of the RCMP; - That a meeting be organized as soon as possible between the appropriate provincial cabinet representatives and local government representatives to discuss local government concerns with the rapidly increasing costs of RCMP services, the need for increased accountability of the RCMP and measures that the province can take to assist in addressing these issues.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General The Province supports the initiative of the UBCM in undertaking this strategy, and appreciates UBCMs involvement and support in the RCMP Contract Negotiations where cost containment, accountability and building a new relationship are key considerations for the new contract.

Federal Response

Ministry of Public Safety Resolutions SR1 and C10 relate to the cost of delivering local police services by the RCMP, accountability to mechanisms and responsibility for unexpected costs as a result of major criminal investigations. With respect to the cost of RCMP services for the municipalities of British Columbia, as noted in my response to your July 17, 2010 letter on this issues, the rise of police expenditures over the past decade has been a pressure on all governments in Canada. The issues of cost containment and affordability are certainly central to discussions taking place concerning the renewal of Police Services Agreements, which expire on March 31, 2012, While financial sustainability and coverage of actual costs are important elements in the ongoing discussions, I would note that according to Statistics Canada date on municipal policing costs, the RCMP is less expensive, on average, than non-RCMP municipal police forces. In addition to our shared interests of affordability, cost containment and sustainability, discussions on the renewal of the RCMP Police Services Agreements, I have also centered on the issue of accountability, and enduring that the future agreements respond to this interest. To this end, British Columbias municipalities have had representation present during renewal negotiations to hep ensure that the important issues you have raised are discussed. These discussions are ongoing with the aim of all parties reaching agreement well in advance of the expiration of the current arrangements on March 31, 2012. As a strong supporter of the contract policing model in Canada, I look forward to reaching an Agreement in the near future in order to ensure effective and efficient delivery of police services across the country.

Convention Decision