BC Poverty Reduction Plan


WHEREAS the poverty rate in British Columbia continues to be among the highest in Canada; AND WHEREAS many impacts of poverty are experienced at the local level, and local residents pay for poverty in increased health care costs, higher crime demand for community, social and charitable services, lack of school readiness, reduced school success, and lower economic productivity; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities urge the government of British Columbia to follow the lead of several other provinces by adopting a comprehensive and accountable poverty reduction plan, with: 1. Legislated targets and timelines to: a reduce BCs poverty rate by 30 per cent within four years, and by 75 per cent within 10 years; b ensure the poverty rate for children, lone-mother households, single senior women, Aboriginal people, people with disabilities and mental illness, and recent immigrants and refugees likewise declines by 30 per cent in four years, and by 75 per cent in 10 years, in recognition that poverty is concentrated in these populations; c within two years, ensure that every British Columbian has an income that reaches at least 75 per cent of the poverty line; and d within two years, ensure no one has to sleep outside, and end all homelessness within eight years ensuring all homeless people have good quality, appropriate housing; 2. Specific policy measures and concrete actions, including: a providing adequate and accessible income support the for the non-employed, and removing policy barriers so that recipients can build and maintain assets; b improving the earnings and working conditions of those in the low-wage workforce; c improving food security for low-income individuals and families, d addressing homelessness and adopting a comprehensive affordable housing and supportive housing plan; e providing universal publicly-funded child care; f enhancing support for training and education for low-income people; and g enhancing community mental health and home support services, and expanding integrated approaches to prevention and health promotion services; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities sign the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition open letter A Call for BC Poverty Reduction Plan bcpovertyreduction.ca and the Dignity for All Campaign www.dignityforall.ca.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate