Funding of Environmental Groups Through Gaming Grants

Comox Valley RD

WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia has historically funded environmental groups in the province through the proceeds obtained through gaming and a recent Cabinet decision has been made to eliminate funding of environmental groups through gaming grants; AND WHEREAS environmental groups have contributed significantly to the protection and conservation of the environment and have contributed to the quality of life enjoyed by residents of British Columbia through projects implemented with the funding received from Provincial gaming grants; AND WHEREAS the environmental protection and conservation projects completed by environmental groups with funds from gaming grants contribute to making British Columbia a healthy, vibrant, environmentally secure and desirable province to live and work in and that without the initiatives undertaken by the environmental groups these qualities appreciated by British Columbia residents will be diminished due to the lack of availability of gaming grants to environmental groups: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities work with the provincial government to have the Province reinstate the provision of gaming grants to environmental groups to continue protecting and conserving the natural environment in British Columbia.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate