Canada Goose Control


WHEREAS the increased Canada goose population is having negative economic impacts on communities where tourism is a major industry; AND WHEREAS the egg addling program has had a limited effect on the goose population and is but one tool in the control of the goose population; AND WHEREAS the Canada goose is causing health concerns for those using local lakes, beaches, parks and playing fields, with high coliform counts having been detected in some areas having detrimental effects on the economy, tourism and health in the communitys affected; AND WHEREAS the British Columbia Hunting Regulations are insufficient to control the increased numbers of geese: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province encourage the Canadian Wildlife Service to be more permissive in the issuance of kill permits, and failing an agreement to do so by Canadian Wildlife Service, that the Province take the initiative to provide kill permits to affected municipalities for goose population reduction or reconsider the bag limits under the British Columbia Hunting Regulations.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate