Liquor Distribution Branch Changes to Support Industry Choice


WHEREAS both the winery licenses and distiller licenses are controlled by the Liquor Distribution Branch which has set separate yet very specific guidelines for each industry; AND WHEREAS the distillers of BC are only permitted to sell their products off-site to Liquor Distribution Branch stores and any other retail stores designated by the Liquor Distribution Branch, provided they have an agents licence; AND WHEREAS holders of the distillers license under the current Liquor Distribution Branch regulations are not permitted to: - sell directly to the food and beverage industry; - charge a fee for samples provided during tastings; - host events at the manufacturing facility; - operate a lounge; or - set aside an outdoor area on their property to host patrons for outdoor picnic events, as allowed by the winery licenses: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government review the legislation and regulatory structure with respect to alcoholic beverage manufacture, distribution and sale in British Columbia to ensure fairness and balance among components of the industry - including the artisan distillers.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General The Liquor Distribution Branch announced a new policy for British Columbia craft distilleries on November 5, 2010. Qualifying craft distilleries are now able to sell their products directly to bars, restaurants and private liquor stores. With respect to the other issues in the resolution fee for samples, hosting events, operating a lounge, outdoor picnic area the Ministry will conduct a review and consult with industry as needed.

Convention Decision