Tar Sands Oil

Queen Charlotte

WHEREAS the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project proposes to deliver tar sands oil for loading onto crude oil tankers and delivery overseas via northern coastal waters; AND WHEREAS mining of tar sands oil contributes unacceptably to climate change and to degradation of the environment and is contrary to the principles of the BC Climate Action Charter that has been signed by 177 BC local governments and the Islands Trust as a commitment to significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2012: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities oppose tar sands oil being shipped in pipelines across northern BC for loading onto crude oil tankers.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy On May 27, 2010, Enbridge Inc. filed an application with the National Energy Board of Canada NEB for the construction and operation of the pipeline. A Joint Review Panel JRP will lead a full environmental review under Federal law. Further information is available on the NEB website at: http:www.neb-one.gc.ca On January 19, 2011, the JRP announced that more details are required before the review process can move forward. Based on written and oral comments received during the original round of panel sessions, the JRP concluded that Enbridge needs to provide additional information on the design and risk assessment of the pipeline project before continuing further with the review process. Once the information is filed, the JRP may issue a Hearing Order which will outline the timeline and ways in which interested persons, including members of the public and Aboriginal groups, may participate further. Additional information is available at: http:gatewaypanel.review-examen.gc.caclf-nsihm-eng.html The Government of British Columbia is committed to ensuring that any energy development is environmentally responsible and scientifically sound in order to benefit British Columbians and meet the needs of the people of this Province.

Federal Response

Ministry of Natural Resources Concerning B140 tar sandsoil sands, this resolution cites the UBCMs opposition to the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines NGP project. The federal Joint Review Panel JRP is currently assessing whether the NGP application contains sufficient information to initiate the joint review process. On July 5, 2010, the JRP invited the public to: comment on the list of issues for the review, provide any additional information that Enbridge should file; and propose locations for review sessions. Written comments were due on September 8, 2010. The JRP also visited Whitecourt, Kitimat and Prince George, B.C., to hear comments from the public. After the JRP reviews the publics input, the panel may be in a position to issue a hearing order, which would set out the details for a public review. If the UBCM is interested in participating in the review, there are a number of ways in which it can do this, e.g. from a simple letter of comment to full intervener status. I would advise you to contact the JRP at the address below and ask to receive the JRPs hearing order when it is issued. Joint Review Panel - Enbridge Northern Gateway Project 444 Seventh Avenue Southwest Calgary, Alberta T2P 0X8 Ministry of Environment With regard to oil tanker traffic, although a moratorium exists on oil and gas exploration and development off the coast of British Columbia, it does not apply to tanker traffic. Under federal and provincial law, tankers are free to travel to and from British Columbia ports. There is, however a Tanker Excursion Zone, which is a voluntary measure negotiated between Canada and the United States. This applies only to loaded southern-bound oil tankers en route from Alaska and would not apply to the proposed Enbridge Gateway Pipeline Project. The Project is currently the subject of an environmental assessment by a Joint Review Panel. The review panel process provides the most thorough type of review available under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the National Energy Board Act. Under this process, the proponent, Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc. must describe in detail the nature of the Project it proposes, the anticipated environmental effects and the proposed measures to mitigate adverse impacts. This includes provision for a broad assessment of the potential environmental effects, including those resulting form a marine transportation. The environmental assessment is being conducted in an open and transparent public forum by a panel of experts appointed by the Chair of the National Energy Board and the former Minister of Environment. The review panel process will provide an opportunity for all hearing participants to make their view known on the Project. All interested organizations and individuals are encouraged to bring their views on the Project and its associated issues forward to the Panel.

Convention Decision