Offshore Oil Gas Exploration Development


WHEREAS there has occurred an environmental disaster of unprecedented proportions in the Gulf of Mexico due to the unforeseeable difficulties that can be encountered in offshore drilling for petroleum products; AND WHEREAS the damages to the 2000 km of Alaskan shoreline plus 1300 sq km of ocean habitats from the Exxon Valdez accident are still being felt more than 20 years after that accident; AND WHEREAS the British Columbia marine waters and coastline could well face an equally enormous environmental catastrophe: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of BC implement a legislated ban on off-shore oil and gas exploration and development; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the federal government to implement a legislated ban on west coast offshore exploration and programs.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy There is an existing Federal moratorium on the exploration and development of offshore oil and gas and, accordingly, there is currently no offshore oil and gas development in British Columbia. The Provincial Government has been clear that we will only pursue the development of an offshore oil and gas industry if it can be done in a scientifically safe, environmentally sound and socially responsible manner.

Federal Response

Ministry of Natural Resources With respect to B138 offshore oil and gas exploration and development, this resolution asks the Government of Canada to implement a legislated ban on west coast offshore exploration and programs for all future time. As you know, there is an existing moratorium on oil and gas exploration and development in the B.C. offshore, which has been in place since the 1970s. The federal government is not considering changes to the moratorium at this time. Ministry of Environment With respect to offshore oil development in Canada, the National Energy Board and the two Atlantic federal-provincial Offshore Petroleum Boards are responsible for regulating such development, and report to the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of Natural Resources. Environment assessments of offshore exploration and development projects are required under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Where warranted, the Minister of the Environment can refer the conduct of such assessments to an independent panel. Environment Canadas primary role related to offshore oil production is responding to marine environmental emergencies and providing related environmental advice and assistant to lead response agencies. The Department is also involved in environmental assessment and environmental protection research and monitoring related to offshore oil development. There is currently an indefinite moratorium on oil and gas exploration off the coast of British Columbia and in the Hudson Bay, as well as a moratorium on such exploration on Georges Bank off Nova Scotia that extends to the end of 2015. In light of the 2010 incident in the Gulf of Mexico, Environment Canada and other federal government departments are looking at what actions may be needed to further prevent and minimize the risk of such an incident occurring in Canadian waters, and to ensure that we have the best possible response plans in place.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended