Greywater Discharge Sites


WHEREAS Section 13 of the British Columbia Environment Management Act restricts the discharge of greywater in Shuswap Lake; AND WHEREAS the Province has not actively enforced the restrictions on greywater discharge into Shuswap Lake: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the provincial government to provide greywater discharge sites on andor along all applicable recreational fresh water lakes and waterbodies.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The Ministry of Environment has been actively working together with the Shuswap Houseboat Association, local businesses, local government, Interior Health, as well as Transport and Environment Canada, to find a solution to the Greywater discharge issues on Shuswap and Mara Lakes. The Ministry of Environment as a regulatory agency, and not a funding agency, is trying to find a solution by balancing the desires of the community, set reasonable targets for industry to obtain, and make decisions as supported by science to eliminate the discharge of greywater from private vessels and commercial houseboats on these waters. To further this goal, we encourage the UBCM to continue to explore the various funding mechanisms and opportunities, including cost sharing and partnership opportunities with private industry and government, and working within the Shuswap Lake Integrated Planning Process to help in creating a solution.

Convention Decision