Motor Vehicle Accidents - Insurance Coverage Liability


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM petition the Province on behalf of BC local governments to: a Amend the provincial motor vehicle regulations to request the motor vehicles carry a minimum of 5 million in third party liability insurance coverage; and b Amend the Negligence Act to eliminate joint and several liability for municipalities in the context of motor vehicle accidents.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General The current limit of third party liability coverage in ICBC Basic insurance, the mandatory amount every motorist much purchase, is 200,000. In many cases, this amount is sufficient to cover the costs of the damages for which the motorist may be responsible. Additional third party liability coverage is available as an optional product from ICBC or from any private insurance company in BC that offers automobile coverage. In this way, motorists can decide the level of additional coverage that best meets their needs in terms of protection and cost. Increasing the mandatory amount of third party liability coverage to the level suggested would result in a significant increase in the premium charged for Basic insurance. In addition, there may be competitive and trade agreement issues related to removing a line of business from private insurance companies and putting it under the mandatory insurance requirements. Ministry of Attorney General The Ministry of Attorney General is continuously evaluating British Columbias civil liability regime to ensure that it is fair and efficient, but favours incremental changes to the regime. For example, the Ministry completed a consultation on a reduction of the ultimate limitation period in 2006 and is continuing work on reforms in this area of the law.

Convention Decision