Mandatory Training Requirements for Building Contractors

Maple Ridge

WHEREAS the British Columbia Building Code sets out a number of technical provisions for the construction of buildings; AND WHEREAS the British Columbia Building Code does not require mandatory training for building contractors responsible for achieving a number of the technical provisions contained within the British Columbia Building Code: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM urge the provincial government to introduce mandatory training requirements for building contractors involved in the construction of buildings.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General Minister of State for Building Code Renewal At the direction of the then Minister Responsible for Housing, the Homeowner Protection Office HPO began consulting in 2006 on ways to increase the professionalism of the residential construction industry. An industry task group was subsequently convened to collaboratively develop a new system of minimum qualifications for residential builders. The task group submitted its final report in October 2008. The HPO has circulated this report to other stakeholders in the sector for their feedback, which has been incorporated in the HPOs final recommendations for regulating residential builders qualifications. These recommendations are currently being considered by the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Minister of State for Building Code Renewal. Regulating the qualifications of general contractors in the institutional, commercial and industrial sector, who work closely with professional architects and engineers, is not a priority at this time.

Convention Decision