Restoration of Emergency Management Training Funding

Hudsons Hope Kitimat-Stikine RD

WHEREAS the provincial government cut core funding for emergency management, emergency social service and first responder training for the 20092010 fiscal year and transferred some of it to year-by-year special access gaming grants, administered by the BC Association of Emergency Managers and the Emergency Social Services Association, that have been denied for the 20102011 fiscal year; AND WHEREAS this financial assistance was relied upon by many small and rural communities and their volunteer organizations to provide critical services throughout vast areas of the province; AND WHEREAS adequate training is imperative for an effective local emergency program which provides for the safety and well being of the citizens of BC, along with being legislated by Section 6 of the Emergency Program Act: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the provincial government to restore core funding for emergency management, emergency social services, and first responder training to at least the 20082009 levels and to continue working with the BC Association of Emergency Managers, the Emergency Social Services Association and other stakeholders to improve emergency program training for every community in BC.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General Government remains committed to helping build strong communities by funding non-profit public safety organizations through the community gaming grant program. The BC Association of Emergency Managers and the Emergency Social Services Association each received a 250,000 special one-time gaming grant in March 2009. Both organizations were advised of the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branchs annual application process. In fiscal year 200910, both organizations applied and were denied because their applications did not meet eligibility criteria, in part because a significant portion of the earlier 250,000 grant remained unspent and because required financial information was not submitted. Neither organization applied for volunteer training funds in 201011. These organizations may apply again in the next Public Safety sector intake period. More information is available on the branch website at: Any eligible non-profit public safety organization wishing to train volunteers including, for example, volunteer fire departments and local search and rescue societies is encouraged to apply for a community gaming grant.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended