Increased Funding for Local Recreation Sites

Burns Lake

WHEREAS funding for local recreation sites and picnic areas has been significantly decreased in the past five years; AND WHEREAS vibrant, well-maintained recreation sites are invaluable to communities pursuing tourism as a form of economic development: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM lobby the Province to ensure that it provides additional funding for the maintenance and upgrading of recreation sites to enhance and promote economic development through tourism.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Natural Resource Operations The Ministry of Natural Resource Operations MNRO recognizes the valuable social, economic and environmental contributions that recreation sites and trails provide to communities throughout British Columbia. There are now more than 1300 recreation sites and over 800 trails located in all regions of the province. During these challenging economic times, the Province has been reviewing how we operate and making tough decisions in order to protect core services like health and education. For the past two years MNRO has leveraged additional funding assistance available from the Federal and Local Governments to achieve mutual goals, including keeping recreation sites and trails open. In addition, MNRO has established 269 partnership agreements with recreation groups, community organizations, First Nations, private citizens, local governments or forest companies to maintain 378 recreation sites and 260 trails. At 124 recreation sites and 61 trails, user fees are collected and retained by the agreement holder to help pay for services provided. Services may include on-site supervision, garbage removal, ground maintenance, trail grooming, and other activities. In 200910, 2.1 million in user fees was collected. Recreation sites and trails are an important component of the Provinces tourism infrastructure and will continue to provide significant opportunities for economic development in local communities. While government funding for managing recreation sites and trails is limited in the current fiscal environment, the Province is looking for innovative ways of keeping our sites and trails open and safe for the public to enjoy.

Convention Decision