Development of a Species Ecosystem Protection Act for BC


WHEREAS our province prides itself as a global tourist destination, and the continued growth of the eco-tourism economy wholly depends on the future survival of our wildlife and stewardship of our wild lands; AND WHEREAS British Columbia is one of only two provinces in Canada without an endangered species law, the lack of which law leaves over 1,600 species-at-risk without adequate legal protection; AND WHEREAS a robust law to protect species and ecosystems at risk will provide more certainty to developers, industry and local government decision-makers in guiding development in a way that sustains human well-being and species survival: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM recommend that the Province of British Columbia develop a Species and Ecosystems Protection Act for BC.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment In June 2010, the Provincial Government fulfilled a commitment made in the August 2009 throne speech by striking a provincial Species at Risk Task Force Task Force. The Task Force was charged with providing recommendations to the Government to help it update its vision for the conservation of species and ecosystems at risk and ensure British Columbia remains a leader in environmental sustainability. The task force was to build on the provincial governments Conservation Framework and Conservation Data Centre, and provide fiscally responsible and economically viable recommendations in a number of areas related to species at risk conservation, including: - Whether changes to the existing regulatory framework are required to ensure ecological and socio-economic considerations are balanced and achieve conservation targets; and - Advancing private land stewardship to conserve species and ecosystems at risk on private land in B.C. while respecting the interests of taxpayers. The Task Force was provided with, among other resources, a draft discussion paper from the Local Government Species at Risk Working Group. This group, led by the Ministry of Environment, brings together representatives from provincial, municipal, and regional governments to discuss approaches to protecting species at risk on local government and private lands in BC. The Species at Risk Task Force delivered its report on January 31st, 2011. The Task Force has provided recommendations on key issues related to species at risk, including regulatory framework, private land stewardship, best environmental management practices, and effective First Nations and stakeholder engagement and communication. The Task Force recommendations will be presented to the Environment and Land Use Cabinet Committee as soon as their agenda will allow. Currently the document is under internal review.

Convention Decision