Industrial Property Taxes


WHEREAS Catalyst Paper has not fully remitted taxes to the City of Port Alberni and three other communities North Cowichan, Campbell River, and Powell River as per the assessed amount of property taxes; AND WHEREAS Catalyst Paper has served the City of Port Alberni with a petition to the Supreme Court of British Columbia that the major industry property tax rate is illegal; AND WHEREAS this act is in defiance of the bylaw duly instituted by a democratically elected, autonomous and accountable order of government; AND WHEREAS the Community Charter requires a local government to respond to the overall needs of its community, determining levels of expenditures and taxation that are appropriate to deliver its services in a manner which is responsive to the community needs; AND WHEREAS non-payment of taxes by property owners is not only illegal, it inhibits a citys ability to deliver its mandated services, such as fire protection, law enforcement, roads, sewer, water, parks and recreation; AND WHEREAS if unchallenged, this non-payment of property taxes may be taken as a precedent: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all local governments within British Columbia strongly condemn Catalyst Papers actions; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UBCM write to the provincial government to support the four communities in opposing the court action; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the UBCM be prepared to assist the four communities in their legal action and urge all local governments in the UBCM to do likewise.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision
Referred to Steering Committee on Industrial Taxation