De-staffing of Lighthouses

Strathcona RD

WHEREAS the Commissioner of the Canadian Coast Guard intends to undertake de-staffing of several light stations on the west and east coasts of Canada, breaking the commitment of both the former federal Liberal government and the present Conservative government and going against repeated requests from the UBCM membership, through resolutions endorsed over the past two decades, for a halt to the de-staffing of light stations; AND WHEREAS light keepers provide: - essential, cost-effective and reliable navigational aids and safety services in support of both marine and aviation safety; - fail-safe operation of the light and the fog horn; - 24-hour on-the-spot weather reports; - assistance to search and rescue activities; - a constant presence to assert Canadian sovereignty over our coastlines; - invaluable scientific observations; and - direct assistance to a wide range of federal and provincial departments and agencies: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities call on the Prime Minister to cease all efforts to de-staff light stations and instead commit to maintaining light station staffing levels indefinitely, in order to ensure the safety of the working and traveling public and the vibrancy of the growing coastal economy.

Federal Response

Canadian Coast Guard The Canadian Coast Guard CCG must ensure the responsible use of Canadian taxpayers dollars while ensuring safety and service to mariners are upheld. Technological advancements over the past many years have allowed the automation of lighthouses to the point where de-staffed automated lightstations have been in operation successfully around the world for decades. In fact, automated lightstations have not compromised mariner safety and can deliver a high level of service. Concerns regarding the provision of additional services provided by lightkeepers have been expressed by some stakeholders. For this reason, CCG is undertaking a further review of the additional services provided by lightkeepers in British Columbia and in Newfoundland and Labrador. Following this review, if it is determined that a staffed presence is the only way to ensure the delivery of those additional services, then this option will receive full consideration. Meanwhile, no lightstations will be de-staffed.

Other Response

Federation of Canadian Municipalities The resolution De-Staffing of Lighthouses that was submitted to FCM for consideration was placed as a category A resolution and adopted at the March 2010 meeting of the National Board of Directors. As a follow-up a ministerial letter was sent under the signature of the President of FCM: April 19, 2010 The Honourable Gail Shea, P.C., M.P. Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada Centennial Towers, 15th Floor, 200 Kent Street Ottawa ON K1A 0K9 Dear Minister: The attached resolution, De-staffing of Lighthouses, was recently adopted by FCMs National Board of Directors at its March 2010 meeting in Moncton, N.B. Recently, FCM was made aware that the commissioner of the Canadian Coast Guard intends to undertake de-staffing of several light stations. In the past, communities have secured a commitment from the government not to embark on this path. The debate on whether to pursue the automation of Canadas light station network has gone on for decades. Light keepers provide an array of services from cost-effective and reliable navigational aids to 24-hour, on-the-spot weather reporting. Further, light keepers support search and rescue operations. This resolution calls on the Government of Canada to recommit to ceasing efforts to de-staff light stations and, indeed, to supporting the continued light station staffing levels into the future. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your response. Yours sincerely, Basil L. Stewart President of FCM Mayor, City of Summerside Prince Edward Island Canada c: The Honourable John Baird, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities

Convention Decision