Continuation of UBCM Community Tourism Funding Program

Cariboo RD

WHEREAS the UBCM commenced the Community Tourism Funding program in 2005, which has enabled many areas throughout BC to promote their tourism opportunities; AND WHEREAS this ability to showcase BCs remarkable tourism destinations has helped to build our local economies particularly in a time when resource-based industries are failing: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM lobby the provincial government to continue the Community Tourism Funding program.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Tourism, Culture the Arts Announced in 2004 by the Honourable Gordon Campbell, Premier, this 25 million program was welcomed by communities and provided the opportunity to develop local projects or marketing campaigns to attract tourists. The current state of provincial finances precludes the extension of this program during the current fiscal year. Should the opportunity exist for more funding for this program in the future, the Province would want to see investments in tourism infrastructure implemented in accordance with a community tourism plan, and investments in marketing incremental to annual investments and coordinated with regional destination marketing agencies where possible.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision