Disposal of Waste in Provincial Watersheds

Central Okanagan RD

WHEREAS due to health and environmental hazards the provinces lake and watersheds should not be used as dumping grounds for Ministry of Transportation waste: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM supports a thorough investigation and cost benefit analysis of more environmentally friendly alternatives to dumping by the Ministry of Transportation before decisions are made on the disposal of waste in provincial watersheds; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that bridges and other Ministry of Transportation structure constructed in and around watersheds be designed to ensure environmentally friendly disposal or reuse at the end of the structures useful life.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure The Ministry does not use provincial lakes or watersheds as for waste disposal. Watershed protection is an integral part of ongoing Ministry efforts to support the Provincial Governments mandate of good environmental stewardship, and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has a long and accomplished record in this regard. The Ministry has been recognized for its environmental achievements, and has been the recipient of numerous awards for its work in this area. In addition to complying with all Provincial and Federal government environmental legislation and regulations, the Ministry has developed comprehensive language for protection of the environment in its Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, and implements environmental best practices for highway maintenance activities that are carried out in day to day operations. There are many processes in place to ensure that design, construction and maintenance works follow environmentally responsible protocols, and the ministry participates fully in this regard. In the specific example of the Kelowna floating bridge, where disposal of old components was necessary after the new bridge was built, and numerous options were reviewed for dealing with the pontoon structures. In the end, it was decided to transport the units to the graving dock, demolish them, and salvage the steel and concrete for re-use.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision