Saving Wild Salmon


WHEREAS in December 2004, the Province of British Columbia appointed six independent citizens to study the issues and policies to protect and enhance the viability of wild salmon and in 2005 called on British Columbia to have the best managed fisheries bar none; AND WHEREAS the BC Pacific Salmon Forum Board did fulfill their mandate by using existing and new research, and consultation with a wide range of interests: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government accept and implement the final report and recommendations of the BC Pacific Salmon Forum Board as published in January 2009.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Agriculture Lands We support in principle what is a great report - the Pacific Salmon Forum took on some very complex and challenging issues and condensed them into key points that provide clarity and direction. Some of the recommendations we can adopt immediately. Others would require major changes in the structure of government. While we support the overall visions presented by the Forum, some of the recommendations limit governments options and provide little flexibility in achieving the spirit and intent of the visions by other possible means. The Province is working with the federal government to develop a new regulatory framework for finfish aquaculture and to transfer administration for it to the federal government by February 2010. In developing this new framework, the Province will encourage the federal government to review the Forums salmon farming recommendations. The Province and the federal government have already contributed to a collaborative closed containment feasibility assessment study being undertaken by the Save Our Salmon organization. The need for improved decision-making in watersheds is unaffected by the Court decision. The Province will work with all levels of government and continue to enhance the effectiveness of its resource decision-making in watersheds through processes such as the Resource Management Committee Program. The RMCP brings agencies together when resource decisions are being made so that all interests are identified and possible conflicts can be avoided.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision