Supportive Housing Assessment Class


WHEREAS the property tax base for local government represents the basis for property tax distribution and municipal revenue; AND WHEREAS the Community Charter and the Local Government Act empower local government to establish permissive tax exemptions; AND WHEREAS the provincial government has eroded the local government tax base and removed local government opportunity to decide property tax exemptions through Bill 11, the 2008 Small Business and Revenue Statutes Amendment Act, 2009, which amends the Assessment Act to establish a new supportive housing assessment class to provide property tax relief by reducing assessment values to a nominal value: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request that the Province consult with local government and UBCM prior to creating and amending legislation that erodes, infringes or adversely impacts the jurisdiction of local government.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Rural Development In regard to Supportive Housing and the request being made of Government by this resolution, it is the current practice of Government to consult with the UBCM, as the representative of local government; regarding legislative amendments to the Assessment Act or other statutes related to Class 3 - Supportive Housing. The Province recognizes the important role that local government has in partnering with the Province to address the issue of homelessness in our communities. It is the intent of the Province to continue to work with local governments in providing opportunities for those most vulnerable in our society. The Province is cognizant of the financial implications associated with the designation of an eligible property to the Supportive Housing property class and concerns raised by the UBCM regarding infringement on local government jurisdiction. As part of the Provinces commitment to address the issue of homelessness, the Province will continue to work closely with local governments and will consult with the UBCM on any future legislative amendments related to Supportive Housing.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision