Police Staffing Resources

North Cowichan

WHEREAS the RCMP E division, from time to time, funds human resource needs analyses in consultation with the support of the Province of British Columbia that examine the complement of both RCMP members and support staff; AND WHEREAS in the case of detachments with a provincial component, the identified shortfalls are currently not filled due to lack of provincial funding, and the lack of staffing can drastically affect the delivery of police services within a community as well as impact the morale of members and staff: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia be requested to fully fund its responsibility for the provincial complement of RCMP members and support staff at various detachments throughout the province.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY SOLICITOR GENERAL The RCMP make decisions about allocation of provincial resources based on a number of factors such as crime rates and patterns, population size, and economic circumstances. In order to better meet the needs of communities and given the fluid nature of policing, the RCMP may also adapt the deployment of officers as necessary when new patterns develop. The RCMP in conjunction with the Province consistently review existing resources and integration strategies in order to prevent and reduce crime in BC communities. It should be noted that the Province also provides significant support through funding initiatives that benefit all municipalities and police agencies, such as DNA analysis and the implementation of PRIME, the province-wide police record management system. There are a number of specialized units that the Province subsidizes or funds directly that would otherwise have to be provided by municipalities, such as the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit that combats organized crime.

Convention Decision
Endorsed and Referred to RCMP Contract Discussions