Stumpage System


WHEREAS the provincial government has replaced the Comparative Value Stumpage System with the Market Price System in other areas of the province and is considering implementing the Market Price System in the interior of the province effective July 1, 2009; AND WHEREAS extensive history indicates that delivered wood costs in some timber supply areas present identified inequities and anomalies: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM requests the provincial government to study the stumpage system or proposed Market Price System to identify and correct any inequities or anomalies that impact the delivered wood costs.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests Range Market Pricing System has been in place for the Interior of B.C. since July 1, 2006. The Ministry and industry are exploring changes to the current pricing system to make it simpler, more transparent, and more efficient. No decisions on changing the stumpage system in the Interior have been made. The Ministry and industry are reviewing information regarding the effects of pricing policy changes on the stumpage rates. Included in those discussions are potential measures that would address the transition to a new pricing system if that was the decision.

Convention Decision