Expanded Use of Section 941 Funds Provided in Lieu of Parklands

Squamish-Lillooet RD

WHEREAS funds paid by an owner, pursuant to Section 941 of the Local Government Act in lieu of providing parkland at time of subdivision are often insufficient to enable acquisition of suitable parklands; AND WHEREAS communities might receive a greater and more immediate benefit from utilization of these funds to improve existing parks: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of BC be requested to amend Section 941 of the Local Government Act to provide that funds received under Section 941 may be used for acquisition and improvement of parklands.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Rural Development After the passage of previous UBCM resolutions on this issue the Ministry of Community and Rural Development has consulted with stakeholders through the DFRC Development Finance Review Committee, a standing committee which includes representation from the UBCM. Representatives of the development industry indicated that they do not support such a legislative change, and that they would strongly oppose it. The costs of maintaining existing parks are not related to the costs of servicing new development. Local governments already have a number of other financial tools available to them to fund park improvements, including Development Cost Charges, which can be used for such purposes as the installation of fencing, landscaping, drainage and irrigation, trails, restrooms, changing rooms, playground and playing equipment. The Ministry of Community and Rural Developments Parkland Acquisition Best Practices Guide recommends that a local government consider clear guidelines when using DCCs for parkland acquisition and improvement.

Convention Decision