Upgrade Highway Safety Through Rural Communities

Logan Lake

WHEREAS roads in rural communities are falling behind urban areas in addressing maintenance and safety issues, AND WHEREAS there is a need to ensure highway safety for the citizens of British Columbia, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province be requested to undertake a provincial mandate to upgrade roads throughout rural areas to ensure safe roads for everyone in British Columbia.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE The ministry continues to recognize the importance of investment in transportation infrastructure, and in particular the needs of the rural infrastructure, as a stimulus to economic growth and a means of ensuring the safety of all British Columbians. About 90 of all funding for road preservation is invested in rural BC on an annual basis. The ministry continues to invest in rural British Columbia in all program areas from capital expansion to preservation and replacement and ongoing maintenance. Several program areas deal specifically with upgrading of roads in rural areas including the Heartland Rural Roads program, Mountain Pine Beetle program, and Oil and Gas Rural Roads Investment program. The Province of British Columbia, in partnership with the Federal Government, is engaged in a significant program of investment throughout the province as a means to stimulate the economy of British Columbia that will have a direct and lasting effect on the safety and mobility of all users of the transportation system.

Convention Decision