Community Justice

Nanaimo RD

WHEREAS in response to requests for more police presence in our communities, local governments are frequently told that case preparation and court time for minor offences reduce the time available; AND WHEREAS local governments are called on increasingly to provide funding for victim services and restorative justice programs which help reduce the case management and court attendance time for police staff; AND WHEREAS despite these efforts by communities the court system requires increasing attendance by police staff: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government find more efficient and effective ways to address delays in the court system in order to reduce the administration impact on police services and thereby improve overall police services to our communities.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL All provincial justice agencies and branches are working collaboratively to develop initiatives to make the criminal justice system more efficient and effective. To inform this process, we have commissioned a review of best practices by the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform. At this time, we are examining what practical pilot projects could be launched to test new approaches to improve the delivery of justice services in British Columbia. In the next year we will focus on addressing priority issues without financial resource impacts. We are also engaged with the federal government and other Canadian jurisdictions at the Federal Provincial Territorial table to identify and implement reforms that will improve justice system efficiencies, including delays in the courts. At the same time, we are piloting several initiatives that are testing new models for improved justice efficiency and effectiveness, including the Downtown Community Court in Vancouver, the Prolific Offender Management project in six BC communities and the Bail Reform Project in the Peace and Fraser regions. Lessons learned from these initiatives will be evaluated and those elements that work best may be implemented elsewhere in the province.

Convention Decision